
Hope you're all staying safe. Please stay inside for your own protection and others.
          	The sooner we comply with government advise, the sooner things will go back to normal.
          	Love you, hope you're all doing alright. ❤


Guys, it's Mia here. I logged out of my account (mia_lola_) and now it seems I can't log back in again. I made that account a considerable amount of years ago, when it didn't matter about having to verify emails, so the email is invalid and I cant reset my password and log on again.
          I've tried all I can, and I'm so angry atm because of this. I have books that are in my drafts that I can't view/transfer now. I have the Peaky Blinders imagines book with 100k+ views, that I no longer update or edit.
          If anyone has any ideas on how to help me, please PLEASE message me. I would really appreciate it!
          Goodbye for now.


Hope you're all staying safe. Please stay inside for your own protection and others.
          The sooner we comply with government advise, the sooner things will go back to normal.
          Love you, hope you're all doing alright. ❤


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Hey guys. My Peaky Blinder Imagines/Preferences book is officially complete. I tried to get back into writing in it after series 5 came out, but unfortunately I physically don't even have time to breathe at the moment. If you were waiting for a request I'm so fucking sorry, but I would rather not write them anymore than write a shitty forced chapter. 
          Thank you for your support and love on it. Thank you so fucking much for 100k reads, I never thought that was possible. That's the highest amount of reads I've ever had on a wattpad story, so I will be forever grateful.
          Thank you again. My other works may still be updated in the near future, but atm Sixth Form has me fucked up.
          For now, peace out my dudes ✌


@mia_lola_  wow this update aged badly.


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@mia_lola_  also, Happy New Year. Hopefully 2020 will be less fucked up than 2019 lol. Hope you all had an extra awesome Christmas x