
Hello to my lovely followers! I don't know if people actually read this but I just wanted to announce that I will be writing another book! As you guys should know, I have given my book to someone. I will announce now that I have given my book away to Haley (@Fallen5Angel)! My new story will be a true story that has happened to me and will be sort of like my diary and all my thoughts. I am also thinking about writing a teen fiction book but I am not quite sure yet. Let me know in the comments how you feel about any of the announcements and even any suggestions you have! Look out for the new book that will probably be published in a couple of weeks! Have a great weekend!


Hello to my lovely followers! I don't know if people actually read this but I just wanted to announce that I will be writing another book! As you guys should know, I have given my book to someone. I will announce now that I have given my book away to Haley (@Fallen5Angel)! My new story will be a true story that has happened to me and will be sort of like my diary and all my thoughts. I am also thinking about writing a teen fiction book but I am not quite sure yet. Let me know in the comments how you feel about any of the announcements and even any suggestions you have! Look out for the new book that will probably be published in a couple of weeks! Have a great weekend!