
Also go check out @stormhunter07 awesome new story 'Beyond the Facade' 


No problems:)


@miacatstories a very big thanks for sharing my story with others. :)


this message may be offensive
Hello to my small but mighty group of followers!!
          I just wanted to let you know that yes I did delete my FMAB books cause I wasn't particularly happy with them so I'm sorry about that. 
          But I am considering writing another book. Like a teen romance (but not cliché...hopefully. That'll be hard), comedy kinda thing so I just want to know what you guys would think of that. Would you read it or give it a go at least? Does it interest any of you? 
          If it does then I would really appreciate some name ideas cause I suck at names. Like really suck!! I need both girl and boy names. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated <3 
          If I do go through with this it won't be until like mid December that I'll start posting. I have a plot but I won't start writing until I have names, that's what slows me down 
          Ok I won't go on much longer cause I'm sure I've made everyone bored. 
          Peace out my lovelys  ✌️