
Hi everyone 
          	As promised I’ve put out a new chapter of my story Diary of a Recovering idiot. Here a quick link so you check it out. https://my.w.tt/UiNb/oGWMGlifLH 
          	I’ve also been planning a new story but so far I’m still in plotting more so more about that later. Let me know what you think about this new chapter. 


Hi Everyone,
          Sorry I’ve been missing. Things got super crazy and I had to take a few steps back. I’m slowly getting back into the flow of things after a much needed break and plan to get back to my story. Look out for a new chapter in the coming day. Miss you guys loads. Hugs. 


Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you are doing well. I had a busy but good festive season and I got a tint bit of rest. Now it's time to get back to work. Look out for an update to Diary to a Recovering Idiot in a few day. I'm still muddling my next story around in my head but expect an update on that soon. Till then stay amazing. 


Hello guys. I'm taking a bit of a break. I've been trying to get on top of things but there just too much going on. Look for my story Diary of of a Recovery Idiot to continue in the new year as well as a new story that had been playing around in my mind. 
          Enjoy the festive season every. Much love to each and every one of you.