
          	Hello everyone reading this,
          	If you read my stories then I want to apologise for my lack of activity these past few weeks, in my belief I do not have a good enough excuse to not have been writing and to have been leaving you all without anything of mine to read if you do actually read it, 
          	I feel I needed a break as I had a lot of stuff to do with school and instead of using any free time I had to write I didn’t, I know I had the time because there were countless moments I was sat doing nothing when in reality I should have been doing something that links to my works.
          	I truly mean it when I say I’m sorry for not publishing anything but maybe there’s times in life where people just don’t have the energy and are not in the correct mindset and I feel in a way that’s how I was feeling I just haven’t spoken up about it, I promise that from now and in the future if I have time I will do something to get publishing more chapters to one of my four works moving forward.
          	I have to admit I still maybe am not completely with it as I have had a bit of a stressful month and especially the past few weeks and even more last few days but I will 100% be completing a bit more and publishing more as life has slowed down for a while and so I can finally give myself space to relax and breathe a bit in the comfort and normality that everything is finally returning to.
          	Again I sincerely apologise for the people who do actually like reading my stories but as I’ve said I will hopefully be publishing more and getting things moving again.
          	Thank you for you time,
          	- M x


          Hello everyone reading this,
          If you read my stories then I want to apologise for my lack of activity these past few weeks, in my belief I do not have a good enough excuse to not have been writing and to have been leaving you all without anything of mine to read if you do actually read it, 
          I feel I needed a break as I had a lot of stuff to do with school and instead of using any free time I had to write I didn’t, I know I had the time because there were countless moments I was sat doing nothing when in reality I should have been doing something that links to my works.
          I truly mean it when I say I’m sorry for not publishing anything but maybe there’s times in life where people just don’t have the energy and are not in the correct mindset and I feel in a way that’s how I was feeling I just haven’t spoken up about it, I promise that from now and in the future if I have time I will do something to get publishing more chapters to one of my four works moving forward.
          I have to admit I still maybe am not completely with it as I have had a bit of a stressful month and especially the past few weeks and even more last few days but I will 100% be completing a bit more and publishing more as life has slowed down for a while and so I can finally give myself space to relax and breathe a bit in the comfort and normality that everything is finally returning to.
          Again I sincerely apologise for the people who do actually like reading my stories but as I’ve said I will hopefully be publishing more and getting things moving again.
          Thank you for you time,
          - M x


Hi guys basically I’m taking a break on my 2 main stories for a while meaning my ‘ it started out with a kiss’ and ‘my last words to you’ stories just because I’m finding it really hard to come up with stuff to write because for my main one which is ‘it started out with a kiss’ is mostly storyline based and so as easy as it is to find the videos the hard part is knowing what to write and then with my other story ‘my last words to you’ I need to find a way to add to the plot a little bit and so that’s taking me time.
          Just an update though my shoulder is a lot better than what it was for those of you that don’t know I broke my collarbone and couldn’t write for a while, but I’m trying to make my return as it’s been about a month now since I’ve released anything properly and I’m sorry it’s taken me so long.
          My last little bit of info is that I’ve got a new story coming out that’s I’ve been planning for a while and it’s shivian, they were made official almost two months ago now which is crazy to me but I’ve just finished most of my plan for that story and so I’ve started writing the first chapter which is kind of just and introductory chapter but still kind of adds to the plot with a few things mention but you guys won’t see that until I’ve finished writing it, I am about half way through so it shouldn’t be long because I plan to finish it or get close to today at some point. 
          Anyway that was a lot of waffle but it’s got to be expected from me I’m afraid I am a huge waffler, anyway yeah summary of the whole thing is that my new story which will be called ‘ a girl can dream’ is going to be my main focus for a while just until I can get my shoulder completely back to normal because it does still cause me pain from time to time.
          That’s all now though,
          Goodbye for now,
          -M x