
now that tiktok is gone i have something to admit 
          	ive gotten so deep into other interests that i lowkey forget what tsoy part 4 was even gonna be about 
          	the future of this au is not looking bright


sorry to everyone who was interested in it, i really am honestly not sure if i’m gonna update it or write the next part. if there’s anything you want to know about what plot points i do remember that i haven’t yet written i will be very willing to answer.
          	  this au is very near and dear to me i just don’t want to write it lol.


now that tiktok is gone i have something to admit 
          ive gotten so deep into other interests that i lowkey forget what tsoy part 4 was even gonna be about 
          the future of this au is not looking bright


sorry to everyone who was interested in it, i really am honestly not sure if i’m gonna update it or write the next part. if there’s anything you want to know about what plot points i do remember that i haven’t yet written i will be very willing to answer.
            this au is very near and dear to me i just don’t want to write it lol.


does anyone have suggestions for characters i should add to my yardale au bc eventually im going to start writing the (preferably) last part and i still have new characters i want to add but i want to hear who you guys want to see in the series.
          or is the fourth part too late to add new characters? (some i’ll for sure be adding and im willing to share who it is, but i don’t want the story to be overwhelming with the amount of characters. idrc tho). lmk what you guys think <3


@miasmirror YIPPEEEEEE!! (and damn)


            ( he and tweek aren’t dating though it’s much more sinister )


            i was actually planning on adding him in the next part already!! idk when i’ll write the next part though lol but he becomes very relevant


I think I just accidentally found your tumblr 


@miasmirror  It’s driedseagrass  (dont ask why it’s called that </3)


            wait what’s your username i want to make sure i follow you