
Apologies for not getting back to you sooner.
          Thank you for appreciating the stories I have collected. There are some great people sharing  their wonderful imagination out there.
          Unfortunately, I am not on Wattpad much. The server keeps kicking me out and logging in has become a pain in the you know what. 
          Tech support is not helping 
          Story ideas, wow I am honoured to be asked for ideas. Currently, I am interested in Marvel, specifically Loki based stories.
          Something with romance a bit of naughty ( come on we all deserve a fantasy or two) but most importantly:  a finished work.
          Many people start out with excellent tales and then just, well, no idea. It's a shame considering some are really good then left or forgotten. 
          More important what strikes your fancy to write about? If you are not passionate about a topic interest will wain then it will be forgotten.
          Let me know what you think and thank you for your time. 
          Hope to hear from you when you get a chance. 
          Take care and you will find inspiration