
Te escribo solo para desahogarme... Ojalá hubiera sabido de ti por primera vez, fuiste como una figura paterna para mí, el padre que necesito aunque ya lo tenga, eres esa figura que entiende. , ama y adora a sus hijos. Nunca los golpeaste, nunca los regañaste y siempre los amaste.
          Te amo Michael Jackson, quiero eventualmente encontrar a alguien como tú, alguien respetuoso, amable y que sepa que una mujer no es un trofeo o algo que se puede usar y tirar. Siempre te llevaré en mi corazón.
          De una moonwalker que te adora,para mi applehead


Hello, I'm again, I'm Kimberly from Lourdes. I want you to know that I miss you here. I still wrote to you in October 2024. I hope you're alive. I really miss you. I really need you. I hope the sun comes out and I know that you say that. 


You know something my dear love Michael Jackson AND I want to tell you that I still haven't gotten over you, I've cried a lot, I miss you, I want you to come back soon, I can't take it anymore, I love you so much, you're the love of my life, I want you to know that I'll be here in your love.  I will wait for you, please, I love you and I want you to know that you are my king.
          Kimberly C.M .