
this message may be offensive
Uhm so no guarantee about my book being finished soon actually... it will be finished EVENTUALLY, but who the fuck knows when. Its so difficult to keep with hobbies when I have to study my ass off and am still failing somehow (don't recommend 2 weeks off school) but yeah!! Now my motivation is acc GONE, it's giving 12 yo me, but I hope yall are doing good and surviving off some other smutty michael book!! Love you alll


@naerysdany you are so sweet, thank you! I'm trying my best right now, my plate is fulllll, but I'm aiming for around February- march time, or maybe even this month to get at least a couple chapters done


@-WHATTHEFUCKDUDE- I'm aiming for once I get my mocks done cuz I missed a lot of school so I'm BUSYYY


@michaelsrealbabex This fanfiction is insanely good and i love it so much. i hope you are doing well mentally and physically. i don't really care when it get's completed, as long as it does (even if it's in like 10 years). i will still be active on this app lmao purely because i am so invested in it and i am in NEED for a happy ending. the whole plot and storyline is so, so good, even if you wrote half the chapters delirious - you truly have a talent for this kinda stuff and you created such an entertaining storyline that so many people are invested in. kudos to you because this is a great fanfiction, honestly the best one I've read. From the bottom of my heart I hope you recover from whatever you are struggling with and you don't feel pressured to finish this. you deserve the absolute best and even if it means taking years off this platform, so be it. you don't owe us anything, I honestly wish the best for you


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Uhm so no guarantee about my book being finished soon actually... it will be finished EVENTUALLY, but who the fuck knows when. Its so difficult to keep with hobbies when I have to study my ass off and am still failing somehow (don't recommend 2 weeks off school) but yeah!! Now my motivation is acc GONE, it's giving 12 yo me, but I hope yall are doing good and surviving off some other smutty michael book!! Love you alll


@naerysdany you are so sweet, thank you! I'm trying my best right now, my plate is fulllll, but I'm aiming for around February- march time, or maybe even this month to get at least a couple chapters done


@-WHATTHEFUCKDUDE- I'm aiming for once I get my mocks done cuz I missed a lot of school so I'm BUSYYY


@michaelsrealbabex This fanfiction is insanely good and i love it so much. i hope you are doing well mentally and physically. i don't really care when it get's completed, as long as it does (even if it's in like 10 years). i will still be active on this app lmao purely because i am so invested in it and i am in NEED for a happy ending. the whole plot and storyline is so, so good, even if you wrote half the chapters delirious - you truly have a talent for this kinda stuff and you created such an entertaining storyline that so many people are invested in. kudos to you because this is a great fanfiction, honestly the best one I've read. From the bottom of my heart I hope you recover from whatever you are struggling with and you don't feel pressured to finish this. you deserve the absolute best and even if it means taking years off this platform, so be it. you don't owe us anything, I honestly wish the best for you


man winter is ROUGH, so not sigma


@-WHATTHEFUCKDUDE-  real omg and thr wind is legit so strong i have to litterally scream and push so hard 


@LittlePeep-  i cant relate bruv i was riding my bike and the wind was so strong i litterally had to brace myself and scream and the fastest i went was 1m/hour 


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Yeah I don't know if the next part is coming anytime soon, sorry guys :( life is so shit right now I'm surprised I've even picked up a device, my laptop is literally dusting away on my desk. Hope all of yous are doing better than me, sending lots of hugs!! ❤️


@michaelsrealbabex dont ml like seriously take your time♥️♥️


@nowayiate I love you stop you guys are so sweet I'm gonna cry


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@michaelsrealbabex  it's okay you don't need to apologize I haven't been writing any of my books either there's really nothing to do I haven't found the energy to write any of my chapters but I do hope you find energy and I get it life it is shit me to but I hope all your chapters do well in the future and I hope you start riding again ❤