
Hello, I had a problem with my books so, I had unpublished them. Now, since the problem is fixed I have published them again. I have also started writing my 2nd book, Mia La Fey and The Tri-Wizard Tournament. I haven't completed it but I am in the process.


Hello, I had a problem with my books so, I had unpublished them. Now, since the problem is fixed I have published them again. I have also started writing my 2nd book, Mia La Fey and The Tri-Wizard Tournament. I haven't completed it but I am in the process.


Hello, This is to everyone out there who have read my book. The Book is soon to come to an end but not to worry, the next book part of the Mia La Fey series will be coming soon. Thank you to everyone who has read my book, I hope you enjoy it. I would also like to say that I have added a few more lines to "Halloween/Samhain". Please check it out
          -Michelle Jeswin