
Ugh. up till 1am finishing the next chapter of Bloomed. You guys better feel pretty loved


Hey mouse, I don't know if you have a way to call me or not and I am worried about you! Please call me or text me ASAP! Also, please get in touch with your Dad.... Chelsey is being admitted to the hospital... She's OK! She's at good Samaritan hospital in Mt Vernon! I love you more than life itself and miss you! 


To everyone who's looking at this... This is her real life boyfriend. The one she's mentioned in several notes on 'Bloomed.' Me and Mickey are having very large issues at the moment. We are both under an iron fist rule at our respective homes. Her father and stepmother (Who she lives with) have banned me from her home and from me talking to her in any way, and we both suffer from moderate to severe depression. We both are going through horribly tough times, and our relationship is at stake. If we can receive your prayers for us and our relationship, we will both be eternally grateful if you all can pray for us to be happy together. Thank you all for your time to read this.