
Check out chapter 9 of Devil's Bargain! I'm excited, because the rest of this act is fun and the next chapter...anyway, that should be up soon. Check it out, and let me know what you think!


This story is such an interesting concept. Loved the new chapter ❤️


Check out chapter 9 of Devil's Bargain! I'm excited, because the rest of this act is fun and the next chapter...anyway, that should be up soon. Check it out, and let me know what you think!


This story is such an interesting concept. Loved the new chapter ❤️


The old ln (rewritten old plot) is up! I decided to change the character names mainly because the names no longer suited them best. The other version will be published later today with a new name, and a few chapters of Devil’s Bargain later. Anyway, don’t forget to comment and let me know how you feel about the changes.
          (And don’t complain about the new names, please, lmao, save me and you the time it’d take while i unpublished the story just to find new ones.)


I decided to post both LN Rewrites as separate stories. So, the original story's rewrite (that is, the original plot.  but, lots of changes) and the new one (with the new, separate plot with everything changed aside from the dynamic). So, if you're interested in both of the stories, they'll both be updated here. It would be a waste to have rewritten all of those chapters and not published them. 
          Anyway, the original LN rewrite will keep the title, and the new book will get a new title. I should publish all the rewritten original's chapters tonight, so like 18 chapters?


Thank you! For all your work and this option to enjoy both :) 