
I'm working on an upload of Mistaken Identity. Sorry that it's been so long. I have been working on it, but I have to transfer it from my notebook to my computer. I should have it up in a few days or today(if your lucky ;-)).


I'm working on an upload of Mistaken Identity. Sorry that it's been so long. I have been working on it, but I have to transfer it from my notebook to my computer. I should have it up in a few days or today(if your lucky ;-)).


Thank you for fanning me !! I know I suck for not uploading but I'm sorry !!! But be sure to look out for the new chappy as it will be out by today, tomorrow or a few days later anyway soon !!! Thank you again for fanning and reading !!!  


To my only fan *cough* Amejo *cough*. For being my first (and so far only) fan, I'm going to dedicate my next chapter of Amnesia to you and the first chapter of every book after that. Thank you so much for being there for me.