hi everyone!
so i know i said last month i was going to return, and i did fully intend to, except i wasn't able to fully commit to making my full return, and decided to go MIA and wallow in my shame.
i'm sorry for failing to make this commitment. everything is alright in my life, and i'm quite happy with where i am right now, so i'm afraid even i don't know why i can't just stick around longer than a day.
i've been checking up on all your accounts (especially friends!) and to say that i'm sad to have missed so much is an understatement. so many people left, maybe not even coming back.
i don't think i know the purpose of this post. i can't promise a return or anything near it, and i can't even properly apologize. i guess this is just an update, of sorts.
i've changed a lot as a person over the past 9 months. and to think it's been so long since then is a weird feeling. i've met new people, made new friends. and in fact, i've recently moved across the city, so i'll even be attending a new school, so it's a fresh start.
just remember that i love you guys more than you could imagine, and i won't forget you. one day, i'll work up the guts to reimmerse myself into the community.
see you soon! <3