
I'm sorry I haven't updated in what seemed forever. As you can probably guess from my status, I'm moving!!! ( for those keeping track, this makes two big moves in 365 days ) It was actually pretty sudden, and I'm not sure when I'll update next. Definitely within in the next seven days, maybe within the next few days. It depends when the cable guy comes and sets up wifi. I'm not abandoning my story, so don't fret!!!! <- my word of the day :) 


@midnightowl please update soon... i'm going to 6th grade next week and i won't be able to read all the time anymore... please opdate soon!


Hi, I have just started reading your stories. I read all of, you can't handle me, in a day because it was so great. I'm currently reading, finding the way, and that's just as good. Please will you write a story on life after voldamort, preferable bringing back some of the best characters, like Sirius, tonks and loupin... please please please