
Thank you so much for helping one of my stories reach 1k a second time! I love you all! x


We just published the last chapter of "Where Do Broken Hearts Go?" and in all honesty I felt a little emotional pressing that completed button. But anyway, it's finished, with all the closure it needed, so don't expect a sequel. Thanks if you read it, voted, or commented. Check out our new stories, "Lust", "Ambivalence", "Defeating The Odds", and "Drive". Also, continue reading "Those Three Little Words", and "Heartbreak Girl". THANKS!! 


Hi guys. I know I'm absolutely terrible at updating lately but I'm on vacation in Canada and I'm trying real hard. I'm running out of ideas for HG so as soon as I get to the few more plot ideas I have I think I'll start the sequel. Thanks for waiting, and I'm really enjoying TTLW so if you're a Harry girl and are looking for new fics to read, check it out. It's coming out real well. 
          We will update WDBHG ASAP. it literally just has 2 chapters left. So pleaseee stick around. 
          Read my new Ashton fic, Defeating The Odds! 
          Shameless self-promotion-
          Insta- wildestdreamsinnyc_
          Tumblr- xsmilinglikeascheshirecatx and halszy
          THANK YOU SO MUCH!!