
this message may be offensive
oh my god i want to write "xiao cant communicate" SO BADLY
          	LIKEEE I got that SHIT PLANNED N STUFF :D
          	i hate it.


I'm mainly going to update my book "tell me" twice a week or a bit more.
          I'm very spontaneous with my work and I don't usually schedule stuff, so if I update two chapters within two days or once in a month, don't be surprised.
          This is mainly because of the fact that I get sudden urges to write and I can't write good quality chapters if I don't have that sudden burst of energy to start writing down a chapter. However, I'm trying to keep consistent and I'm also trying to train myself to use schedules.
          I'm keeping this message pinned if anyone is interested in my book, which I doubt a lot are.
          I'm also announcing this to my 3 followers and 1 active reader lmao.


@CoffeinFairy ofc! I'll remember to do that.


@reiayanamisLCL it's okay, take care of yourself! also could you pls make announcements when a new chapter drops? It'll help greatly xd