
did asaki send you?     tell me,  why are you here?


@yamata-no-orochi    [  hanzō's  brows  furrow,  arms  crossed  over  his  chest.  he  listens  intently,  as  if  she  was  mentioning  his  life's  purpose.  at  the  mention  of  a  lead,  he  practically  straightens  up.  so  he  was  still  alive—  possibly.  now  he'd  try  to  find  him.  ]   i  see.  do  you  happen  to  know  where  his  file  is  at  the  moment.  we  gave  it  to  some  other  assassin  for  his  case,  but  i  need  to  review  it.  especially  considering  now  that  you  may  know  where  he  is—  we  can't  afford  to  miss  any  details.  
            [  he  nods  along  to  her  words,  arms  now  unfolded  and  hands  tucked  away  into  the  pockets  of  his  pants.  despite  the  pair  not  having  interact  much  before,  hanzō  couldn't  help  but  feel  a  sense  of  respect  and  gratitude  towards  the  yamagakashi.  ]  i—  we  are  grateful  for  your  effort,  considering  how  busy  you  must  be  with  other  situations  and  cases.  if  you  need  any  help  with  anything  troubling  you,  do  not  hesitate  to  inform  me.  [  a  moment  of  silence  is  hung  in  the  air,  until  hanzō  speaks  up  once  more.  (HE'S  CERTAIN  HE'S  RAMBLING  AT  THIS  POINT.)  not  that  he  cares  much  though.   ]   same  goes  for  any  new  news  about  mitsuki.


@miinobe:       oh.      (the mention of mitsuki makes her throat burn as if she's just spit more poison out of  her body.       orochi sits up forward in her chair,  eyes squinting at hanzo,  resting her face on her fist,  before scanning his face and body language.     she was never too fond of asaki in all honestly,  nor was she too fond of people randomly entering her room and interrupting her work,  it was quite the  ..   inconvience for her.     but still,  work is work,  and things like this were bound to happen,  even if she was an assassin.)      there's been  (...)   progress.        i have a lead,  but nothing too strong to confirm anything specific yet.       finding the medusa isn't my top priority as of right now.


@onnanohebi     he  did.   since  he's  too  busy,   he  wants  me  to  come  in  and  check  if  there's  any  progress  on  finding   mitsuki.   [   a  moment  or  two  of  silence  as  he  glances  around,   biting  the  inside  of  his  cheek.    not  long  after,   he  speaks  up  again.   ]   well,  is  there?