
          	I am not exactly leaving Wattpad, I won't delete my stories/acc etc. I might even pop in to read, comment or even post a new chapter for a old fic. But for the most part, I will now focus on Original Books. I will use my ideas, especially regarding Mikael, Klaus, Finn, to write my own stories. Since I will probably try a traditional publishing route once I am done, I will mostly not post those stories here. The stories will be part of sage (ofc) and a high fantasy world that I'm currently constructing. For as much as I love fanfics and see it as a form of art, I'm really enjoying the liberty to create and alter my stories without thinking about cannon or the fandom's opinions. It's a new chapter in my life, but, like I said, I'm not ready to completely "close the book" on fics, but I'm also not going to just leave it completely open, sucking all my creative energy... 
          	So again, not goodbye forever, this is a "see you soon" that really means "see ya in a year or two". And that's the best I can do for now. Sorry.
          	I know only like 3 people will bother reading this, mostly just my closer friends and mutuals here. For them, I just wanted to stay: I really adored meeting you, and I hope we can keep in contact, either sporadically or through other platforms. I want to keep in touch, I really do!
          	If anyone ever needs to talk to me, write here, or discord or email. 
          	Til then, I want you all to know how thankful I am to have you in my life
          	stay safe, stay happy , love you dears


          I am not exactly leaving Wattpad, I won't delete my stories/acc etc. I might even pop in to read, comment or even post a new chapter for a old fic. But for the most part, I will now focus on Original Books. I will use my ideas, especially regarding Mikael, Klaus, Finn, to write my own stories. Since I will probably try a traditional publishing route once I am done, I will mostly not post those stories here. The stories will be part of sage (ofc) and a high fantasy world that I'm currently constructing. For as much as I love fanfics and see it as a form of art, I'm really enjoying the liberty to create and alter my stories without thinking about cannon or the fandom's opinions. It's a new chapter in my life, but, like I said, I'm not ready to completely "close the book" on fics, but I'm also not going to just leave it completely open, sucking all my creative energy... 
          So again, not goodbye forever, this is a "see you soon" that really means "see ya in a year or two". And that's the best I can do for now. Sorry.
          I know only like 3 people will bother reading this, mostly just my closer friends and mutuals here. For them, I just wanted to stay: I really adored meeting you, and I hope we can keep in contact, either sporadically or through other platforms. I want to keep in touch, I really do!
          If anyone ever needs to talk to me, write here, or discord or email. 
          Til then, I want you all to know how thankful I am to have you in my life
          stay safe, stay happy , love you dears


(pt2)I won't give up on my fics. I have a hard time letting go of them, they were too vital to me, something that kept me going when nothing else could get me out of bed. So, no, this is not me saying all my fics will be left incomplete forever. That's not what I want. But I won't  put as much energy into fics as I used to. 
           Eventually, (if I don't die before it lol) ALL MY FICS WILL BE FINISHED. I promised myself that, and I really mean to keep that promise, even if that a long time. That's how much these stories, characters and this fandom mean to me. For anyone here only about the UPDATES FOR THE FICS. There you have it. The fics will not be discontinued or abandoned...just maybe dormant? super frustrating, I know and I am sorry. But that's all I got. And honestly, I don't even think I'm disappointing that many people lol I never had the update schedule I wanted lol


I was going to apologize since It's been almost a year since i was last here, even longer since i published a chapter for one of my fics. BUT LIKE, i kinda have badish news so..... I'll save the apologizes for after that lol
          2024 was a chaotic year, I was finishing college and couldn't do much else but study. I knew it would be like that, but I wasn't prepared to admit it. 
          Especially since my goal since day one in this site was that i was going to finish all my fics before I finished college.....I probably never told anyone that, but yeah, that was the goal... I got like one short fic done, out of like 15+.  It was supposed to be a fun distraction from the pandemic and college and life. But then it evolved into something so, so special.
           Now and then i get a notification of some new follower or someone added my fics to reading lists etc. I really appreciate those btw, like so, so much. 
          I know some of my stories are well-liked, (and I asked for updates a lot and it breaks my heart to not deliver on those)
          But, let's be honest, my fics aren't exactly influential within this fandom. Despite my best efforts, Good Dad Mikael are still very fringe, obscure trope in the TVDU fandom. Like every fic author ever, I started writing cause I wanted to read those fics. There's still a lot of fic ideas in my head and I still want to write them, someday. But after being told SO many times that my ideas and stories were so detached from cannon, so different that they might as well be a completely new story altogether... Well, I guess I internalized that.  My stories ARE VERY DIFFERENT from what the fandom usually does and wants to see. And that's ok, it happens in all fandoms. It's as natural as it is frustrating sometimes. Writing these stories feels like swimming against the flow of a strong river. I can do it and be happy for it, as I've been doing for the last few years. But it gets tiring after a while, especially when you put so much energy into it.


Hi love, 
          Hope you are well?
          It is strange here now without PM.
          I am hopeless at discord, so I came here instead.
          Winter here in Australia so I figure your in summer there and busy.
          Just wanted to check in. xxx


Also what is your email so I can check in now and then.
            Mine is


Hi Love.
            I read your goodbye for now letter.
            Congratulations on finishing College, that is huge and important in the real world and no minor accomplishment.
            I have missed you here but I understand about moving on.
            I'm glad your leaving your page open and stories finished or not here, your writing style was so different with a unique perspective that it made me see your characters differently, that will never be forgotten. Like all good writers a reader never forgets a good tale.
            I think you exploring self publishing is a brilliant idea and one you are suited for. 
            Please leave a note here when you self publish your first book in the big wide world you have a reader here who would buy.
            You were and still are one of the nicest authors on here I got to meet and know. I appreciate your help when I first started on here.
            I wish you a long happy healthy life filled with love, challenges and wonderful experiences.


ps: i changed my user from marvelous_tragedy to mikaelson_tragedy 
          just cause lol also i figured this acc needed mikaelson in the name, cuz that's just my whole Thing here


@naturelover1997   Thanks so much dearest!!!!!


Yes Mikaelson tragedy suits you better
            No one writes their inner turmoil as well as you


Do you ever have a conversation online that makes you wanna give up on a 4 year-long obsession, 'cause the person was such a jerk? 
          I'm like this close  to giving up on all my fics, maybe just writing short, rushed endings to some of them and abandoning the rest...


@ naturelover1997  THANK YOU SO MUCH MY DEAREST FRIEND!!! I truly needed this. Your support as always keeps me going. I can't thank you enough. I adore you ♥️


this message may be offensive
@marvelous_tragedy I know exactly what you are feeling.
            Fuck them! my new policy is block them straight away.
            I felt like you, just walking away and never coming back.
            But fuck them.
            This is your space. This is where you come in your free time to express yourself creatively with love. It helps when real world life is shit.
            These nasty cunts forget you do this for free.
            So BLOCK them straight away it is empowering.
            And know that the majority of your readers love and appreciate the effort and beautiful stories you write for them for FREE.
            You are a wonderful writer.
            Your words evoke the scene so perfectly and the emotions so clearly.
            Your writing and stories are unique.
            You are wanted here by so many.
            Let the arseholes crawl back under their miserable rocks and you continue writing in your happy place.


Thank you for following me! Feel free to message me anytime, I hope you have a lovely day — your friendly neighborhood writer, Malakhai <3


@ thatweirdokhai  hi there! No problem. And sorry for the late reply, just saw your message! 
            It's nice to see another transmasc person on the tvdu fandom!! 