Hey i know we aren't on best terms but I'm honestly a bit curious on how you've been You can obviously ignore me so (also TW and FF phase-)

@Dead4666 the lovely character AI, we love it .. lol.. god yeah I've gotten back in C.AI more recently, I use to be friends with Cil, and honestly I am trying to be better and less... Nosey if that makes sense, you were a good friend but honestly I've gotten quite bored as well with like the same people to talk to.. only like 2 respond.. And honestly yeah I can see what I was doing was pretty out of line.. especially when I was being (lack of a better word in my vocabulary without cursing) nosey, but hey if you ever want to try again... You know where to find me/my information lol, til then Mika

@Dead4666 God it's been three days and only found out now you sent this and yes I could have ignored you but this time I chose not to. Why? Idk. and I'm quite surprised you contacted me. It's true we're not on the best of terms as of last January was it? I've been doing well. Reading a lot of new books and yes still on C. AI with lots of rp scenarios that hasn't changed. Hopefully you were able to see the error of your ways and sort out your BS. I'm a lot calmer now too since we last messaged. Of course a friend whom I talk to on discord doesn't want me to talk to you due to all the BS you caused ( yes I told them the basics of what went down) You may have talked to them before but don't remember them. They were a friend of Cil on discord. But idk....some part of me wants to keep this friendship ended and another is bored with not much people to talk to or rp with aside for ai who for the love of god can be so stupid. But who knows we can compromise and work things out if you're ok with it. I',m still processing it myself so I'm hesitant and or reluctant that things will go bad again.