
Hi guyssss, been on constant trying to rewrite the chapters of book 1 and currently on Chap 6 revisioning. I will also share that I'll be graduating on the 29th of this month , so excited.
          	I am still under revision but I am trying to write Book 2 and the other books. Hope you all will continue on supporting, Love y'all mwa


@mikaystoriess congrats for your graduation na


@mikaystoriess we all are with you. Take your time. Congratulations


Hi guyssss, been on constant trying to rewrite the chapters of book 1 and currently on Chap 6 revisioning. I will also share that I'll be graduating on the 29th of this month , so excited.
          I am still under revision but I am trying to write Book 2 and the other books. Hope you all will continue on supporting, Love y'all mwa


@mikaystoriess congrats for your graduation na


@mikaystoriess we all are with you. Take your time. Congratulations


LMP is now under revision and the Chapters of Book 2 will be on process for typing and the Book 2 will have a new Title. 
          DSM chapter will be written soon but SL will be on hiatus in the meantime
          I hope you all support the updates, thank youu.


@mikaystoriess we will support you always.  Just write amazing stories as usual


My Phone went dead  so i wasn't able to update huhuhu 
          Drafts are in this phone and i can barely open it so imma try to update today ig? As soon as i can post a new chapter cuz this phone is dying eheheh 
          Be updated y'all ( even tho some won't read it anymore  thanks for waiting for updates ) 


 It’s ok take your time, I will wait patiently 


I forgot to update , but no worries i won't stop . Just got more busy but i wrote chapters on paper already 
          UPDATES :
          - SILENT LOVE ( pending to be changed to Silently loving you ) the chapter was drafted in wattpad i just need to finish then post
          - LMP i've written in paper and just be typed tho it might range to 1k to 2k words only 
          - DOCTOR SAVE ME  is outlined script pending Length tho like if the story will be short tp 15 to 20 chapters of till 30 to 40 so i can preserved the hype 
          -BOOK 2 MYSTERY OF LOVE ( gonna have a new title but still on pending) so far i've done 5 to 10 chapters in notebook and type it in when i'm free 
          sorry for waiting so long , i'm still so busy but making time for stories :) i'll try to write tomorrow or next sat or maybe this week let's see


Almost done in new chapter of LMP (LEGEND OF THE MOON PACK ) 
          Then gonna start The chapter in Doctor save me 
          Was planning before to start a Au in twitter but let's see , sorry for not updating as fast it's my last school quarter and i can't be out of Honor it'll help in my school transfer 
          Watch for updates na 


This mushroom is back ( well 3rd quarter is Happening ) but i'll update soon sorry for pause per chap‍♀ i'll try my best to update all stories 
          Also since Legend of the moon pack is aabt to end the Book 2 will soon be here ( maybe till chap 20 to 30 )


@mikaystoriess Glad you're coming back author . Missed you and your stories .