Just finished on my Yu Gi Oh Cross Dimension prologue. i was so focus on my Loud House x Naruto x My hero x Pokemon that i didn't have time to post it but i did it and i tried my best. i don't know if i'm motivate enough to do my Male Sayain reader x My hero book because its long so i feel like i might take a break from that book. before leave it off there my new part on Yu Gi Oh cross dimension will come very soon its gonna be jaden vs Yuma its gonna be a good part i hope you enjoy it well bye
completed bio part 3 on my, my hero x loud house x naruto x pokemon. that will be the last bio part get prepared to read the next part which will be prologue which will be the first part of the characters in action and their pokemon but anyways enjoy the new part i made https://www.wattpad.com/1299910151-loud-house-%2B-my-hero-academia-%2B-naruto-%2B-pokemon