
HOLY CRAP GUYS I haven’t updated in forever!!! But I’m rewriting Internet Friends & I will be updating both my current works this week!!! Stay tuned!


So I just updated Numb. It is my first fanfiction, and it wasn't planned out well. Honestly, I don't really like it because it just skipped over things. It doesn't really flow well from each chapter to a new one. It wasn't very well organized, either. At first, it was a book about a depressed girl and a depressed boy (Michael) and he saved her, but she was hurting him. Some parts of this are hard to understand and don't go well with the rest of the book. So yeah, once this book is done, i might delete it unless you guys REALLY want me to keep it and if you guys want me to write a sequel.


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tbh I stalk your Instagram and I've talked to you like once and I think you're cool as shit. but anyways you are a beautiful person and don't let all the words people say get to you because that's what they are, words. I'm always here if you need to talk to someone and I know you probably get that a lot. I get it. but if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. and I wont be leaving.  :) 


@cliffordhugs1995 Aw thank you so much! You're amazing and um here for you too