
Hey .. my story lost one and the last one got delete by wattpad .. I don't have a draft or anything to post anymore .. it's alright I can rewrite the story again in a better way .. I will and I will continue the abundoned luna and crown empress too but after June cause my exam was starting on May and only end in June.. I have backlogs and regulars so I have to do little hardwork to write all my papers ..and also have projects and presentations , and viva too please wait for me for a little bit .. cause after June.. iam unemployed and regularly gonna  update.. cause I don't have nothing to do but write and read some my listed manwhas and Mangas and some of my key listed books ... please wait a little bit and I will be soon coming .. I promise I will be rewrite lost one and lost one in a better way and complete my on going one .. 
          	Thankyou .. 


@mikusebu plz comeback write stories 


@mikusebu waw pls rewrite the story author.I really love that story very much


@mikusebu I am waiting author nim please take your time and do well in  exam. All the best 


Hey just want to let you know that you have been my favourite writer... I don't get much time to read these days but when I used to be active here I read your books many time.. I mean I would re-read them.. you have some excellent imagination and great story lines with plots.. keep growing ♥️♥️


@KimTaehyung404053 thankyou ..dear same here I also didn't get much time to write nowadays..it's so hectic not feels the same..but so happy to know still event hough iam lacking at updating though someone still waiting..or someone still reading 


hey don't give up, try again and again and don't lose hope but if you give up then you will really have no escape 


@mikusebu there's nothing dramatic....i feel so helpless that i can't seem to help you....plz don't harm yourself i know i have no right to say that, i am not the going through but whenever things get hard just close your eyes and take a deep breath and remember that even bts had a hard time were almost going to disband but they stayed strong and i want you to stay strong too...come on you can do it..... fighting.


@bearberry1603 may be this time will also go just like other times 


Where r u author we miss u lot


@mikusebu what!!!!! Tell your family you don't want it(if you don't).... fight for yourself 
            Take care of yourself too ♥️


@kiakisa my life is so messed up now .. I thought iam going to get alright after my graduation..but it looks like it got worst .. my family kinda trying me to get married .. there is a lot pressure now .. but I will write some how ..if I can .. please wait a bit