Hey peeps!
Sorry about missing a day on DKS. I had 1k words written last night, but I didn't like that I hadn't come to a resolution yet, so decided not to post them. I've figured out how to resolve the scenario and will be posting those words tonight!
I've been updating DKS on an informal daily schedule so far. However, I'm acclimating to my new job, moving, etc right now. I don't know if I'll be able to keep that up during this time period. It is my personal goal to write 1k words/day, so I will try! But it might slide back to a bi-daily or even weekly update schedule for a week or two. Don't worry, I'm not abandoning it--if anything, I'm even more excited to write it than before. Life circumstances are forcing this slow-down. As soon as I acclimate to my new situation, I will get the daily schedule set up again.
Thanks for understanding! And my apologies for the novel of a notification.