This has been a long journey. So happy but sad that The Quarry (Ryan x Female Reader) is over.
My OC, Phoebe, has been huge part of my life for the last couple of months. I know its silly but when you create a character you kinda get attached to them. Im defintely gonna miss writing about her and Ryan.
Also, literally just the characters in general. Supermassive Games did such a great job creating Dylan, Emma, Jacob, Kaitlyn, Nick, Abi, Max, Laura, and Ryan.
When you write, it feels like your actually in the story. I can make the story however i want.
I am gonna miss writing this piece but I don't know... Could a extra chapter take place in the future?
Anyways, Chapter 1 of Until Dawn will be out soon! Can't wait to write about Pearl and Mike.
Thank you my Hacketteers.
-your favorite camp counselor, ella