
I know haven’t sent out a message in awhile, but I wanted to say thank you-The Crying Bridge is currently the #1 ranked Ghost Story on Wattpad!!!! I am so very humbled and grateful to all of you!


Hey there! I know it's been a crazy long time since I've posted anything, and I apologize for that. It's been a very challenging year in a lot of ways, and I've struggled to keep up with life! Thanks for sticking with me and thanks to all new followers. I hope you enjoy my writing. The Crying Bridge, my first novel,  has done relatively well, although it took some time to get it rolling. I am about to begin posting chapters of my latest novel, Hindsight, which has been finished for awhile now, but I'd debated whether or not to post it or not, but today, I decided to share it with you all. This story is a Romantic Thriller with a sort of unique twist. Look for the first chapter soon!


I just wanted to let you all know that I took down part of chapter 14 and unpublished chapter 15 of RFW2 for now. I'm just not comfortable with the direction things were going with Ella and Nica, since Ella is underage and Nica is much older than Ella. I'm currently editing my NaNoWriMo project and have some other things I need to work on so, I hope you all will continue to be patient. Thanks!!


You know what? I'm going to stop promising updates to RFW2. They will come because I intend to finish the damn book, but I've just got way too much going on right now. So I'm finally prioritizing. Sorry for those of you who were hoping for a new chapter:(