
A new chapter of Crushing is posted!


I've been a silent reader for a while, but I like reading Fleurs Captives, and I don't mind if it's fanfiction (as someone who's not into that kind of stuff). Currently I'm on Chapter 26 as I've been reading it slowly due to work and personal problems to deal with, but let's hope I'll be able to reach until the last chapter at the moment. Keep writing, you're doing amazing!


@unleashingmypen You’re so sweet! Thank you. I’m hoping I’ll be able to finish that one soon. <3


*but I just want to tell you that I like (forgot to add there, whoops) 


i have been thinking about your stories semifrequently since they were taken down, they meant so much to me and i was devastated when i couldn't access them any more, but i still check every now and then just in case ; i checked today and i could not believe my eyes i am so so happy they are all back up u have no idea what this means to me i've been praying for this for ages


@exemo6969 Thank you! I hope you’re doing well. 


Hello! Chapter n°19 in Fleurs Captive seems to be incomplete because it ends after some paragraphs. Either that or the app is malfunctioning. Let me know please! Thank u


@gemival Everything seems to be alright on my end. I’ll publish that chapter again though just in case that helps you. Thanks for letting me know!


this is so random but i used to read ur stuff all the time in middle school now im in college and i from time to time remember ur writing. truly so talented and im so happy to see ur writing again, i cannot wait to read ur stuff again. i was actually reading one of ur stories when i had to go do something very hard and scary and it brought me a lot of comfort to get through it so thank you! 


@lilcattyfae I hope you’re in a less tumultuous situation now, and that you have lots of joy in your life. I’m so proud of you for making it through your darker times. You are so loved, and I’m rooting for you! 