
I. Am so mad. Wtf. My Spoil me Joshler is gone?!?!?! Where tf did it go?!


Update.  Wattpad took it down 


this message may be offensive
To me, I look at Josh and Tyler and I think "I want a relationship like that." It wouldn't even have to be romantic, just friends like them. And I look at you, at us, and I think "we are perfect." Because even though we may both have self esteem issues and we may think we have all these things wrong with ourself but to eachother, we might as well be perfect. Because I love you, and you love me. Our flaws are irrelevant when it comes to each other. I can look at you and forget why I was doubtful of myself. We are made of the same thing, we have the same abilities and we can accomplish the same things. Just because I choose to do one thing more than another thing, or you liking one hobby over the other. That doesn't mean either of us are better than the one beside us, we are equally best. Everyone is equal, it's just a matter of what you are doing at that time. You bring out the good in me rather you see it or not, I might seem all warm and happy around you but honestly, I'm an asshole. I'm the biggest asshole in my family. I have a temper, and I tend to raise my voice but you haven't seen that at all since we met in 2014. You haven't seen it because you are just that effectively good at being out the best in me and for that I love you and I'm a lucky bastered to have you and call you mine. You're everything I wanted for years, and i don't plan on letting you go that easily. 
          -Josh at 5:15am.