AND FIN!!! Done with When Stars Cross, it's been a wild ride. Thank you all so much! Stay tuned for my next book coming soon called Easy Target! I'll keep you posted. Xoxo
AND FIN!!! Done with When Stars Cross, it's been a wild ride. Thank you all so much! Stay tuned for my next book coming soon called Easy Target! I'll keep you posted. Xoxo
AAAAAANNNNNNDDDD it's over :( last official chapter is uploaded and I'm so SAD. But I am gonna write and epilogue so we technically have one more chapter. But it's been real folks. I'll have a sweet announcement when I post the epilogue about some cool stuff, so stay tuned.
I'm going to TRY (keyword is try) to slide in a chapter tonight, and announce some cool stuff too so look out for that, or don't haha. It depends on if I update!