
Happy Sunday everyone! God is so good.
          	Testimony: Todays readings and Gospel and Homily were so, so good. I felt the Holy Spirit.
          	Basically, todays readings revolves around how God treated outcasts, such as lepers. The Gospel reading was about Jesus having compassion on the leper who kneeled before Him, and the homily touched on how we, as Christians, are to humanize the dehumanized. 
          	I felt touched. God is truly so kind.
          	(P.S: I also saw an adorable baby and saw some friends!)


@DexceptionalP so cool!! The Holy Spirit is working ✨✨


Happy Sunday everyone! God is so good.
          Testimony: Todays readings and Gospel and Homily were so, so good. I felt the Holy Spirit.
          Basically, todays readings revolves around how God treated outcasts, such as lepers. The Gospel reading was about Jesus having compassion on the leper who kneeled before Him, and the homily touched on how we, as Christians, are to humanize the dehumanized. 
          I felt touched. God is truly so kind.
          (P.S: I also saw an adorable baby and saw some friends!)


@DexceptionalP so cool!! The Holy Spirit is working ✨✨


 Day Prayer Challenge - Learning to Return to God
          Far be it from us to remain on the way of death and continue to walk away from our Creator who loves us, our Divine Maker!
          And yet, sometimes our own human error gets the best of us. Whether it be a repeated sin or a subtle one or even one you don’t usually commit, all sin takes us away from God.
          BIBLE VERSE: Hebrews 13:20-21
          Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
          As a departing gift, I want to let all of you know how much it means to me that you have been participating. No matter how weary you may have gotten, God has given the grace and strength needed in order to continue.
          No matter how many days it had been since you last talked with God, you’re (or you’re trying to) making an effort now. 
          And I commend you for that.
          And I want to let you know right now that your efforts are not in vain. 
          No matter who you are or what sins you’ve committed, the King of kings and Lord of lords sees and knows your heart.
          That’s what truly matters. Growth that starts from the Lord and flows through the heart first, and then bears its fruit in its own good time.
          (More in replies)


Through the Lord and Lord alone, working in many different (maybe even little ) ways in your life, you will be able to grow with Him no matter what season comes.
            The takeaway is this: no matter what you’ve done, you must look to God and aspire to follow Him in what you’ll do.
            It can start in smaller ways than you think, even just by a single pray or Bible study or conversation with a Christian friend.
            Give God an opening, friends. Let Him be the one to grow you, with you.
            FOR FURTHER STUDY:
            Reflect on who God is, what He’s done, and how you are free in Him today. Consider what you’ve learned, my friends, and take it to heart that God sees you, hears you, and knows you to the very depths of your heart and soul and mind.
            Rest in His presence. Be still and know He is God.


10 Day Prayer Challenge - Learning to Move with God
          God’s timing often feels so very different from ours.
          Whether it be a strangely timed blessing or awkward trial, random hurdles and obstacles in our day can have us questioning God: ‘Why God..? Why would you let this happen?’
          Or maybe it’s a ‘why, God? Why won’t you let this happen?’
          No matter the situation, distrust is real and can tempt us to trust in ourselves and turn away from God.
          BIBLE VERSE: Romans 8:28 
          And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
          Many times in the Bible, we see the consequences (often dire and tragic) of what happens when we trust in ourselves and our timing. When we do what is right in our own eyes, we are doomed to fall.
          On the contrary, moving with God enables us to be free from what threatens to take us hostage. Go too early and be unprepared for what God has prepared, stay behind and miss what God has in store.
          Do what God says at the appointed time and you may find yourself ending in up with a flourishing faith journey— which may show up in many forms later on.
          It’s important to put God first, my friends. When we do so and move with Him, trust in Him, depend on Him because He is a trustworthy and eternal God, we can always rest assured that everything will work for our good.
          Somehow, some way, God’s got a path paved. And it might not look like what we expect, but He’ll never leave us bereft.
          Let’s make a poem/other form of writing that reflects on the times where we have and have not put our trust in God, and what were the consequences!
          Let’s also pray that we move in step with God. Like Jesus, let us pray that ‘not my will, but Your will be done, Father’.