
(  please  #drop  fluff  because  i  #need  it!!  )


sit  down,   my  dear.    you've  been  working  all  day,   i  can  handle  dinner.


CALM  BEFORE  THE  STORM,  @mimicsang :
            i  promised  myself  that  you  wouldn't  work  yourself  to  death  if  i  could  help  it.   i  love  your  rigatoni,   but  i  love  (you)   more.    {  with  a  doting  kiss  to  the  top  of  her  head  sylas  stands  up,   one  hand  settling  on  her  shoulder  as  though  he  hates  to  depart  entirely.  }    tomorrow  is  just  fine.   i  can make  it  for  one  more  night,   i'm  sure.


@guardstime-   |
            are  you  sure?  i  promised  you  i  would,  i  don’t  wanna  break  it.  :/  can  i  make  it  tomorrow  instead?


i  can't  say  i  have  ever  had  a  pet,   much  less  a  poodle.    do you  think  she'll  like  me?
          *    reset  timeline  ,,   her  poodle  is  everything  to  me !!  


CALM  BEFORE  THE  STORM,  @mimicsang :
            perhaps  it  was  a  territorial  matter.   i've  read  that  animals  can  sense  when  you  like  them.    {  with  this  lame  joke  sylas  shakes  his  head,   the  small  spark  of  excitement  finally  beginning  to  intermingle  with  the  nerves  he's  been  attempting  to  fight.  }     i  plan  to  spoil  her.    who  knows,   i  may  have  to  get  you  two  matching  sweaters.
            *    afbd !!    ( Assigned  Female  By  Dog )


@guardstime-   |
            she’s  gotta.  the  only  person  she  didn’t  like  was  luther.  think  she  smelled  the  cross  species  on  him.  (  she  grins,  nodding  her  head.  )  don’t  worry.  
            /  five  the  poodle  is  a  girl  which  means  that  the  real  five  hargreeves  is  a  girl  #Real


maeve.   mae.   putįn.   sweetheart,   you're  spiralling.   ( .. )   take  it  from  a  married  woman,   okay?    you're  gonna  make  him  wish  he  married  you  years  ago.


I  TRIED  TO  BE  GOOD,  @mimicsang :
            not  a  chance.   {  mara's  nose  crinkles  at  the  very  idea  as  she  watches  maeve  fidget,   absently  placing  down  the  beauty  blender.   this  might  take  a  minute.  }    i  love  them,   but  no.   i  hate  elvis.   not too  fond  of  vegas,   either.   ( .. )    t'be  fair,  i  liked  planning.   having  a  concrete  outline  made  it  feel  less  likely  to  blow  up  in  our  faces.   if  you  ask  five,   though,   he  was  losing  his  mind.


@livingdeaths-   |
            was  your  wedding  this  difficult?  (  she  glances  nervously  around  the  room-  maybe  mara  is  right.  )  i  think  if  klaus  could’ve  married  you  in  a  vegas  chapel  with  an  elvis  impersonator,  they  would’ve.  :/


if  you  like  older  trends,    i  can  help.    whatever  they're  tryin'  t'  sell  as  'vintage'   ain't  it.


I  TRIED  TO  BE  GOOD,  @mimicsang :
            what's  it  that  alli's  little  app  called  it ?   minimalism ?    {  with  a  wrinkled  nose  mara  shakes  her  head,   dismissing  the  trend  like  she  can  wave  them  away  from  existence.   }    sewing  is  easier  when  you  know  what  you  want,   'nd  weird  looks  don't  mean  anything  in  manhattan.   the  strangest  people  here  are  the  ones  who  paid  millions  just  to  be  in   the  center  of  town.   


@livingdeaths-   |
            wish  they  wouldn’t  hike  up  the  prices  so  much.  :/  i  miss  the  colors  in  the  sixties.  everything  seems  so..  beige  now.  can’t  even  wear  a  beehive  without  getting  weird  looks  anymore!