Hello, my name is Mimi. I am a 21 yrs old
girl who is terrible at everything.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I love the first sip
of coffee in the morning.

I love reading someone
else's words and finding
a connection in them.

I love the feeling a
good song invokes.

I love wondering.

I love driving at night
with no destination.

I love the people who make
me realize that the world is not a
cold, harsh place.


Twitter: mimixcvi
Tumblr: mimi-hmar
  • InscritJanuary 5, 2014

Dernier message
mimihmar mimihmar May 19, 2016 04:19PM
I made you a little hug in a mug in case you were feeling sad 
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