
          	Firstly, i am SO sorry for being MIA for so long. Idk if you guys missed me, but I hope you did. I just wanted to post an update and let you guys know that, no I'm not dead NOR am I gonna give up writing. Does that mean I'll finish my prev books? maybe, maybe not. Who knows? haha~
          	Anyways I have my finals from feb-mar and I'll be free for like 3 months so I'm hoping I'll have ideas for a new story and I swear on my life, I will actually complete, no matter how long it takes(ofc with you guys's help) and uhhh yeah!
          	Thanks for joining my (sorta) rant sess. I love you guys so so much. Please stay safe and healthy!!<33


          Firstly, i am SO sorry for being MIA for so long. Idk if you guys missed me, but I hope you did. I just wanted to post an update and let you guys know that, no I'm not dead NOR am I gonna give up writing. Does that mean I'll finish my prev books? maybe, maybe not. Who knows? haha~
          Anyways I have my finals from feb-mar and I'll be free for like 3 months so I'm hoping I'll have ideas for a new story and I swear on my life, I will actually complete, no matter how long it takes(ofc with you guys's help) and uhhh yeah!
          Thanks for joining my (sorta) rant sess. I love you guys so so much. Please stay safe and healthy!!<33


Hi gays
          Saur about the oneshots
          Dw I won't be quitting it anytime soon BUT I will be taking breaks between each chapter coz skools been really stressing me out lately and I haven't gotten the time to even brainstorm ideas so I could bring good stories to you. 
          So im writing this just to let you know that I am alive and well and I will continue (unless I feel burnt) and yeah I'll cya u guys in the next chp! 
          XOXO author cherry<3