
Last chapter is almost completed!!! Update will be sometime this week 


@mimmiebay1D broo come back and update were all waitinggggg. hope youre okay xx


Hello. Please reply ASAP. Would you like me to make you a cover for your book? 


@Anathehungry Thank you. I'll be updating soon


i owe a huge apology for not updating in like what 2 or 3 months? i am extremely sorry. its just ive been crammed with work , im working  on my exit projects so i can graduate even though my gradess are sexyy (im in the lead for valedictorian). Theres just so much to be done and im stressed out my depression is coming back i have been super emotional lately. im just everywhere and im so so sorry. even if i wanted to write i couldnt because my writers block is in full affect i barely got through one of my background essays.  i know you guys must hate me and i feel so horrible but as soon as i can update i will.


okay everybody I know a couple of you well a lot of you guys were having trouble with chapter 5 that I just posted and Im not really sure why I think it was something to do with wattpad but now I think I fixed it so you guys should try it again and if you did it and you still can't get it then I guess I'm going to have te it then trying me posted