
Thanks for over 300 reads on Golden Eyes!! I have something really awesome and Septiplier related coming out on Monday, I can't wait to release it! Hope you guys enjoy it!


Would you guys (probably only my cousin will read this but oh well) like to see more of Golden Eyes, or do you miss the story Aiden? Or somethings else, like more poems? Someone lemme know because I'm itching to write but i don't know what TO write.


@mimsymjm15 WRITE IT ALL if u can <3


AIDEN is going to go through a major rewrite so prepare for that. 
          Quick question: I'm thinking of changing Aiden's name to a different perfect name in the story, if I change it, what name do you want? Lemme know gang.
          Also, lemme clarify, it's a MAJOR rewrite. Alot will change, but more importantly, more detail will be added, especially about Aiden's past. I'm excited for it.
          BTW Jet is on hold while rewrites are going on. I'm gonna start with chapter one and go from there. When all the rewrites are done I'll reupload the new book. It will take some time, so please be patient.
          Thank gang!


@mimsymjm15 gang also means like, the two of you that read it lol 


@mimsymjm15 gang also means like, the two of you that read it lol 


AIDEN is going to go through a major rewrite so prepare for that. 
          Quick question: I'm thinking of changing Aiden's name to a different perfect name in the story, if I change it, what name do you want? Lemme know gang.
          Also, lemme clarify, it's a MAJOR rewrite. Alot will change, but more importantly, more detail will be added, especially about Aiden's past. I'm excited for it.
          BTW Jet is on hold while rewrites are going on. I'm gonna start with chapter one and go from there. When all the rewrites are done I'll reupload the new book. It will take some time, so please be patient.
          Thank gang!


AIDEN is going to go through a major rewrite so prepare for that. 
          Quick question: I'm thinking of changing Aiden's name to a different perfect name in the story, if I change it, what name do you want? Lemme know gang.
          Also, lemme clarify, it's a MAJOR rewrite. Alot will change, but more importantly, more detail will be added, especially about Aiden's past. I'm excited for it.
          BTW Jet is on hold while rewrites are going on. I'm gonna start with chapter one and go from their. When all the rewrites are done I'll reupload the new book. It will take some time, so please be patient.
          Thank gang!


AIDEN is going to go through a major rewrite so prepare for that. 
          Quick question: I'm thinking of changing Aiden's name to a different perfect name in the story, if I change it, what name do you want? Lemme know gang.
          Also, lemme clarify, it's a MAJOR rewrite. Alot will change, but more importantly, more detail will be added, especially about Aiden's past. I'm excited for it.
          BTW Jet is on hold while rewrites are going on. I'm gonna start with chapter one and go from their. When all the rewrites are done I'll reupload the new book. It will take some time, so please be patient.
          Thank gang!