
So here is it, another foolish story by a foolish girl.
          	Well, Check it out. 


- - - - ———:꒰ chanceuxx here ꒱:
          ❝ I want you to know that you do not always need to give it your 100%. You really do not. Let's be honest here, you're human and you're simply not always going to be able to. There are days when you're only able to give it your 80% or your 50% or heck, even less than 10% and THAT IS OKAY. Only skimming one paragraph, only solving one equation, only memorising five words is better than not doing anything because you have this idea in your head that things are only worth doing when you can give what you consider to be your 100%. Even a 1% is better than 0% and some days that is all you can give. Worry not because it will still add up and you will succeed. ❞
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