Hey everyone! It's been a while hehe
I have two important things to tell you guys today:
Starting with the bad news- because no one really appreciates the good news without the bad- (and I'm really sorry to say this) Not For Long and Super Far aren't going to be updated anymore. For Super Far, I really don't have any problem since it's a book of oneshots but otherwise could be said with the plot I made for Not For Long and that's why I can't help but discontinue it. Sad and frustrating, I know. But really, thank you for all the love and support you guys gave and are still giving to both stories. You guys are the best and I really appreciate that.
But moving on to the good news, I want you to know that I decided to make another account for the stories that I'm going to make from this day on so expect my stories to be on that account. (Who knows, SF and NFL may make their appearance there in the future ) I'm not promising anything like faster updates but as usual, I'm going to do my best since first of all, I decided to make the account for unwinding purposes for me to write things down whenever I feel like it. So there you go!
Go and follow @kkaeppoong today! Hahahaha Don't forget to check the bio of that account to see what surprise is waiting for you!
That's all! Ciao!