Kim Jonghyun, who has been a member of the group SHINEE, has sadly committed suicide, just yesterday. It was tragic. Those who have known him and loved him will always have him held tight in their hearts, loving him and remembering him. Not one soul who loved him will ever forget him. I don't know their group as much as I do like other fans, but it's heartbreaking. He was-- suffering and that was why he ended his life. To finally escape and leave everything, including his problems. This is truly heartbreaking, especially for the ones that have been close to him and his members. His loved ones will always remember him, including all of their/his fans. And I'm hoping this will not happen to any other groups. Because it is really a tragic thing that has happened. He has committed suicide, just yesterday before leaving. He was truly a successful idol who will always be remembered. Everyone will always love and miss him. But now, he is gone and he became one of the beautiful stars that show up at night. I am truly sorry for this tragic incident that has happened. R.I.P., Kim Jonghyun. And please don't forget that we will always remember and miss you.