
john: max, that's stupid.
          	max: i'm gonna do it.
          	john: don't.
          	max: consider it done!


heya , you sexy thing  -   * she approached
          him from behind , coming around but her
          arm hugging his waist *  happy b -day .  


* she raised her head , her chin pressed
            against his chest *   i am having a love affair with an  ' OLD ' man . 


            well thanks, babe. *he beamed and turned to wrap her up in a tight hug* twenty is weird. 


So ,  " Mad Max "  *  she made
           obnoxious quotation marks with 
          her fingers  *  I heard your other title
          is  " keg king "  now . 


*  she glanced over at her feet with disgust  *  don't be so quick to sign this unless you are honest , mr . boris . if you sign the pledge & we find evidence that you lied , you will be expelled . if you don't sign the pledge & tell the truth then you won't risk being kicked out . 


            joan has nothing to do with anything. *he pointed out and he slouched down in a seat on the other side of her desk, propping his feet up on the wood in front of him* where's this stupid contract thing? hand it over so we can get this done and i can go. 


places to be ?  *  she genuinely laughed as she took a seat behind her desk  *   mr. boris , this is serious .  i need you to sign a pledge , which will be permanent , swearing you never have brought alcohol to this campus or drank .  seems much , but we are a small school & have a reputation to maintain . bill , neo , & ben will be called upon to do the same .  i might make joan merry do the same , i am not sure about her . 


heya , max , do you like kids ? 


oh , ouch , ouch -   *  she nodded gradually *
            well , i mean you don't have to , but would you be down meeting my parents & little siblings ? 


            my sister maybe, she's pretty busy helping like everyone. *he smiled softly, loving being able to brag on her just a little bit* my parents? when hell freezes. 


* she frowned slightly *  well , will your folks ever come down here to visit ?  or your sister ? 


~ ◯ ~   
          ░    IT BEING MERELY COLD WAS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. It was literally below freezing temperature. Although, lunar eclipse, the BLOOD MOON, was that night. JOAN MERRY & MAXIMUS BORIS both had been talking about watching it together months in advance. The "Super Blood Wolf Moon" only made its appearance twice a year. The rest of the gang were watching it together. Despite Joan & Max dating publicly now, she convinced her boyfriend to watch it alone with her, deeming it as 'romantic' & something to put them in the mood.
          It was 2019, a new year, a new life. The couple had a fight recently but had resolved & made absolution. Joan actually stopped racing. Max worked on communicating his feelings better. She made more time for a guy whom she had great potential with. She thought he was a total nerd but she loved him for it.
          The lunar eclipse was indeed quite the sight for some sore eyes. Joan could not shut up about in on the ride back to the dormitory as Max just was freezing to death. They ran into their friends & mingled for some short time but Max could only handle so much with his oversized pink hood & jacket hardly keeping him warm. While Yves & Bones did the romantic 'here's my jacket' dealio, Joan & Max just cursed the cold & went inside.
          "They're a cute couple," Joan commented thoughtfully on Yves & Bones as she entered the building with Max, shivering but exhaling in relief at the sudden feeling of the heater's magic, "It is like Bones is a grumpy dwarf & Yves is a halfling with the ego of an elf." She snorted at her own comment.


hey ,  are you more of a star wars or 
          star trek guy ? or battlestar galactica ? 


*  she playfully moved her fingers to imitate a talking mouth as he spoke  *     Uh - huh 


            i never said i only watched star wars. you asked me which i liked best. *he pointed out, arms crossing over his chest* to think you preach about having evidence to back up your accusations and here you are getting yours all wrong. 


*  she rolled her eyes  *   uh - huh , mister - i - only - watch - starwars 


john: max, that's stupid.
          max: i'm gonna do it.
          john: don't.
          max: consider it done!


why don't i believe you ? 


            nothing! don't worry your pretty little head about it.


@mindovermoola ;
            what did you do ?