
Hey guys anyone who is reading pure bred be forewarned I’m slowly going through and revising it. Some of the chapters are getting basically completely scrapped and rewritten others are just getting certain parts rewritten or taken out or rephrased etc. and some others are just getting basic sentence and grammar fixes. Please be patient and I hope you enjoy the improved version by the time it is done.


Hey guys anyone who is reading pure bred be forewarned I’m slowly going through and revising it. Some of the chapters are getting basically completely scrapped and rewritten others are just getting certain parts rewritten or taken out or rephrased etc. and some others are just getting basic sentence and grammar fixes. Please be patient and I hope you enjoy the improved version by the time it is done.


Hello my beautiful followers, I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long again hopefully that is the last time and I can start writing again. If you have any questions about my books don’t be afraid to ask. Thanks for sticking with me and for showing me your love for my writing.


Hello my beautiful followers! Sorry I've been gone for so long however I have good news for those of you that read Spirit Bred I am in the process of making not one but two new chapters as we speak and they will be posted by Tuesday at the latest. 


Hey everyone sorry for not really up dating last week I've had writers block and personal issues. I'm not going to be updating again this week because I'm very busy with school and I have a lot going on right now. I don't know if I will be updating the rest of the month but if I can then I will update.