x1 disbandment is the worst thing that happened in produce series, i mean... this is not even their fault, they are the biggest victim and they have to disband.
i hate pd nim so much, i hate him so much, my boys just want to reach their dreams, x1 deserve better, and you all who ruining their dreams deserve to be burn in hell.
my boys didnt work hard on that shitty show to be treated like this, i’m so sorry, im really sorry that i cant protect x1, i cant protect their dreams.
i really worried about them and their mental health, there is nothing i can do beside pray for them.
my boys deserve better, my boys deserve all the good things in life.
life is hard, but i believe one day, they will remember this day with a smile on their face, they will reach their dreams, they will be fine, everything will be fine.
i believe that their dreams will come true.