Hi everyone! I hope you don't mind reading er...I've been wondering...*takes a deep breath* I wanna write a dramatic romance ( Stampy x Sqaishey shhhhh don't tell 'em!) but I don't have the courage to post it online, but I really wanna write it! So, I wanted to see your opinion. Post a comment to state what you think! Okay...sorry 4 wasting ur time :'(


          Hi everyone! I hope you don't mind reading er...I've been wondering...*takes a deep breath* I wanna write a dramatic romance ( Stampy x Sqaishey shhhhh don't tell 'em!) but I don't have the courage to post it online, but I really wanna write it! So, I wanted to see your opinion. Post a comment to state what you think! Okay...sorry 4 wasting ur time :'(