i am gonna take requests for the one shot book... drop your prompts here or in the book :D i will try my best to update within next week and about the seungchan book :') update will be after 23rd November most probably because it's exam month:( i am so sorry for not being able to update that book thank you for all the follows and reads and votes love you all <3 and HAPPY LEEKNOW DAY

I WANT TO UPDATE MY BOOKS (个_个) BUT MY SCHOOL AIN'T LETTING ME THIS MONTH WE HAVE OUR EXAMS AND THEY ARE STILL MAKING US DO PROJECTS LIKE WHEN WE WILL STUDY (个_个)(TT) syllabus for this term literally includes 3/4 of each and every subject and this is just the second exam of the year i still don't get the hype for board exams ಥ‿ಥ probably because i am interested more in a music career ☜ (↼_↼) studying ain't for me

@mini___verse ARGGHH my homeschool programme is so packed as well (╥﹏╥) I don't got anymore time to wriiiiite

guyssss request for the next one shot i wanna write another one thank you for 10K+ views on 'Paint the town red' also seungchan book will get a update soon but no idea when because even idk when will i complete this chapter

@ForeverSimping would you mind if i made han a cafe owner? cause i got a good plot with it

@m1sullie it's not another book...just during my tight schedule i write small chapter for my one shot book when i have no time to write the main ones :')

i wanted to write an oneshot book along with the seungchan one.. and if not one shot book then probably a skz family one ... if you want an one shot book then just request your story here <3

Heyyy Theree Koalaa!!!!!!!

Why did you write such a sad poem on 57 days and now excatly what you wrote happenend? :( Anyways love you <33333

@mini___verse It was so sad that I had to go and watch Ben Kim's Skz funny compilation video

i said that i will upload my books this week but one of my exams went very bad and my results are out on 1st March. I am so tensed about the marks. just give me one more week. i just need to know that i passed cause this was final examination of this year. just one more week (个_个)

Hello! Just wanted to thank you for adding It Began With a Text to your reading list, much appreciated<3 Hope you enjoy it!

Bro your ff 57 Days....I loved it