
19/20 à l'oral mais 9/20 à l'écrit bref-


Guess who finally came back from the dead? :)
          Only for a short span-
          Just kidding but still, I finally finished my exams and now I feel like I have now the ability to post furthermore as I have less restrains aside from documents and files I have to fullfil in order to go in university from now on.
          Also notice I start to write more, don't ask why- (and why I switch from sms English to some wannabe classy one, I swear there are purposes for this)
          Anyway I just wanted to let the people know: I'm back from the dead as a pink nymph from her faerie soirée asn the void would say and I intend to keep that thin golden threat as long and stretchy as possible.
          On that final note, I shall give you farewell. Veloma daholo toots!


@ yazminari  Ayyy my fav poet Ari <33


@minimani5 Welcome back, I also came back (lol that rhymed-)


Happy (sort of late?) birthday!!


@ -Aurele  that's fine lol
            And thaaanks<<33


            (Don't mind me refollowing you— I did not mean to hit that lol-)
            Its okay ^^ Wattpad has been like that to me too. It doesn't give me emails sometimes so I don't see when people respond to me or if people send me a message. But of course!! I hope you had a good birthday!


@ -Aurele  Awww thank you!! Sorry I didn't saw your message earlier i had to prepare my exams and Wattpad is being a bitch with notifications lately but thank you so much!!! Also you aren't late and I really appreciated you remembered it ^^


hihi! i went through my old account and found out i used to really like your fics, im surprised you switched it up to english!! and you're still doing a great job too. ^_^


@ cappsule_  awww thanks !! <33


@cappsule_ HAPPY TO HEAR!! ♡ it does, but your writing still is amazing either way— maybe i like it too because im in the same situation haha ^_^ 


@ cappsule_  Awww thanks! ^^ my french was unfortunately decaying through the years though I'm still trying my best to write but I feel like English suited me better. Also I'm honored, literally smiling through the screen <333


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I'm at this close of losing my shit I have so much things to do yet so little time and I still want to update to make people know I'm alive and I want to study because my grades are shit and i-


this message may be offensive
Y'all check it out I finally published a whole series (yes, it's a serie. Yes, I'm aware it's only the prologue. YES I'M AWARE I ALREADY HAVE TOO MUCH CHAPTERS GOING ON- *ahem* anyway.) 
          Things may change in the future but for now enjoy this piece of shit idk lol


@ milowritestyrash  it was on purpose


@minimani5 idk if its just me but the words on the cover are covering Palau and Madagascar 's face


That moment when you want to do Minecraft stories but it's not related to any YouTubers and less dream smp


@minimani5 yeah, especially with the MCD storyline. You've got to defeat this evil illager who ravages villages who was mind controllee by a thing from The End, that's the main game. DLCs include going through a jungle, winter, underwater, mountainous, Nether, and End map. Though MCD has ended, the things you can take there is amazing.


@ Haldrachen  oohh so interesting!! And yeah I agree a lot with that-


@minimani5 I forgot to answer this ughhh yeah, MCD is canonically set before the main game, so devouring the lore in MCD is wild. Mind-control, power-hunger, and literally a lot of things... as for MC Legends, its canonicity is questionable. Because it's a "legend", not 100% of it is truth, but some are made up from truths, so take what lore happens in MCL with a grain of salt.
            P.S. the amount of armor, enchantments, and weapons is immaculate and extensive. I'm slightly sad it isn't in the vanilla game.