k so, hi mochus, and uh-
I’msososososorryfornotupdatinglikeIpromisedto,IsaidIwouldupdatemorebutt(with two t’s)..Isaidthatliketwoweeksbeforemyexams(Ithink)(inafewdays)soI’msosorryI’llupdatemoreaftermyexamsareoverIpromise
(Translation: I’m so so so so sorry for not updating like I promised to, I said I would update more butt(with two t’s).. I said that like two weeks before my exams(I think)(in a few days) so I’m so sorry I’ll update more after my exams are over I promise)
Anyways, second thing, uh
stan ATEEZ
third thing, uh
should I make a Yunho x OC book? (or any ATEEZ member, tell me your stans and other shiet I wish to interact with people)
fourth thing,
I might start doing this thing where I finish the entire book before publishing it, and just publish a chapter every week, so.. thoughts?
thanks for staying with me(lol I’m surprised if you’re still here w/ me) and please- comment- I feel like I’m interacting with a brick wall ;-;