question! would you prefer to jump straight into book #2 or would you prefer a stand-alone about one of the characters? ive been thinking about this but im unsure if i should wait until after the trilogy is complete. I do have two stand-alones roughly outlined and one of them definitely needs to be at the end of the trilogy, but the other way could be started earlier. So... lmk your thoughts!

@minnow_wc they wouldn't really add too much to the thinking of these characters at least in connection with the plot so perhaps your right with waiting

Hmmm I think maybe you should do both after the trilogy… unless the one you’re thinking of writing now could add a deeper understanding of characters choices in the books to come in the trilogy?

thank you all for making shadows in the forest in the #warriorcatsoc hashtag!! i work really hard to develop my characters and the connections between each of them. like fun fact.... although not obvious, thunderstar's mother is stormwhisper.

@minnow_wc I’m so happy for you! The effort really shows ... I’m hooked already!

I posted Chapter 10 early.... hope you don't mind!

Remember when I mentioned I'm an Environmental Engineer? Well.... my job consists of A LOT of traveling to different work sites. And I regret to inform you that I'll be in Cape Cod (which is out-of-state for me!) for work-related things until March 7th which means limited updates </3 Not to fret!! Ive scheduled two updates for you~ On February 26th, Chapter 10 will be published. On March 5th, Chapter 11 will be published.

for those of you reading it... who's your favorite character so far from shadows in the forest? personally, i have an emotional attachment to shadowpaw.

@minnow_wc Shadowpaw has a great personality! I think I like Shadestep and Dapplepaw.

Chapter 9 is published :)

Hello- I was wondering if you were interested in making a deal. I am a relatively new writer on Wattpad and am hoping to share my work. I was thinking that I could star every part of your story if you starred every part of my two stories. I only have 4 parts published, though by the time you read this I may have more. In addition, I would be happy to follow you if you follow me. Both of these actions would help us both gain visibility on Wattpad. Please respond to my message with yes or no so I know whether you want to do it! If you want to just star each others stories or just follow each other I would be happy to do that too. I am also very interested in your feedback on my warriors story "Echos of a Rainswept River" if you want to comment! I am a huge Warriors fan and appreciate your work! Here are links to my stories: https://www.wattpad.com/story/389609955-echos-of-a-rainswept-river-a-warriors-story https://www.wattpad.com/story/389585549-harry-potter-later-life

Thank you so much for doing this! I really appreciate your comments and love getting peoples opinions and feedback! Also, I wanted to let you know that I’ve started reading your story, and it’s one of the best fan fictions I’ve ever read!!

@SkyclanSeawingHufpuf hey! ill be sure to give your story a look :) im always interested in connecting with new writers and sharing feedback

I WAS LOCKED OUT OF MY ACCOUNT ALL WEEKEND !! I finally got access again so please expect more than 1 update this week as an apology~~

"Hey there, sorry for intruding on your page! I just wanted to take a moment to share my Warriors fanfic, Petalfur’s Heart. If you have time, I’d love for you to check it out! It follows Petalfur’s journey through love, loss, and adventure in the world of the Clans. I’d really appreciate any reads, votes, or feedback. Thank you so much, and sorry again for the interruption!" https://www.wattpad.com/1512169297-warriors-fan-fic-petalfur%27s-heart-note