
So I’m closing this account, I had this account hacked and I’m no longer comfortable having it anymore. If you’d still like to read my work PM me and I’ll tell you how to do so. My kpop book will be permanently deleted so read what you can in 24 hours ✨


So I’m closing this account, I had this account hacked and I’m no longer comfortable having it anymore. If you’d still like to read my work PM me and I’ll tell you how to do so. My kpop book will be permanently deleted so read what you can in 24 hours ✨


Okay but who would like a Kenma vs Sugawara imagine? If you do go comment on the request page now! I’m behind on my books I’ve just been busy but in the next few weeks I’ll be updating all of them but I had this idea from my Kenma imagine 


I love your writing so much that im following you now! Lolz! Feel free to read my book called "kpop and fanfics" !Lolz!


Thank you so much! Thank you for the support and hopefully my stuff doesn’t suck too much now, thinking about just focusing on my my lesser known works. Even if they’re not popular I really like them, I’ll check yours out as well!