Hi, I don't know if I wanna keep doing this. I've gotten teased by my classmates beause they found my account. I will just take some time off this app. I might end up removing the app completely, or I might just end up removing my stories. I'm not sure but I will just take some time off. Sorry :(

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@miranda_uchimaki Fuck them. School is full of bs and is stupid. They're just picking on you because they are jealous. Don't listen to them. My cousin is a writer since middle school and she gotten so successful despite getting picked on and they aren't happy about it. Losers drools and whine. Besides when you graduate, you won't be seeing them anymore anyway so there's no point of letting them get to you and force you to change. I'm proof of that. Always be yourself and that's the key to happiness! Life is short and you only live once so don't let them idiots bug you. Tell them to grow up and that you feel bad for them picking on you because they must have a shit life to go that low. I done that to my bully and she never did it again lol. I almost ruined my life by letting people tell me who I should be but thankfully I learned before too late. If you need someone to talk, I am here for you .