
Haha no problem. thank you, I made it! :)


I don't know if you remember me and sorry to be messaging do late, but do you think you can help me make a cover for my New Hollow fanfic called, "Aristotle"  it's about a kid named Chad (the drummer of the band in real life) who's been labeled as an Aristrotle, or STAR CHILD, by scholars.  Basically, he's intellectually advanced for his age and such. A nerd. It sounds stupid, I know, but the story is about him trying to fit in and finding a place where he feels like he belongs. Here's a quote: 
          "I'm tired of being too young."
                "Too young for what?"
          "I'm tired of being too young to fit in."
          I understand if you're really busy, but it'd help a lot. 
              (Aka at one point: lani_mcdaniel)


@AllanysIsNotAfraid2B  Hey! No, I totally remember you! your like the sweetest!!
            Any way sure i'll make you one!  
            So i can't promise you a perfect one because i don't  really know your style or whatever but i'm going off of what i know about New Hollow and going to make one.  I made a few and i'm not sure if you will like them but i'm going to need  your email or any other site that I could send you them because sadly I can't send them threw Wattpad messages. :(
            Alright let me know and I will send them to you as soon as possible. :))))
            Also sorry for the late reply i haven't been on it soooo long!
            Have a wonderful day!!